Humphrey Head
With excellent views over Morecambe Bay, this limestone promontory has an unusual assemblage of plants and interesting geological exposures. Great place for watching birds on the estuary.
With excellent views over Morecambe Bay, this limestone promontory has an unusual assemblage of plants and interesting geological exposures. Great place for watching birds on the estuary.
Osprey sleep at night ! If with eggs or chicks, the female will usually sit on them with their head tucked under one wing. The male usually spends the night in very close proximity perched in a…
Spend a day at this scenic reserve, enjoying spectacular views across Morecambe Bay and helping our conservation work.
Spend a day at this scenic reserve, enjoying spectacular views across Morecambe Bay and helping our conservation work.
It was a chilly morning, but that didn’t stop me from getting out of bed and travelling to Eycott Hill – and was I glad to have done so!
Look out for the swallow performing great aerial feats as it catches its insect-prey on the wing. You may also see it perching on a wire, or roosting in a reedbed, as it makes its way back to…
How to identify swifts, swallows, sand martins and house martins
The shells of this small scallop are often found washed up on our shores and comes in lots of different colours, including pink, red, orange and purple.!
Naddles Beck is a stream that flows around the east-side of Eycott Hill Nature Reserve, and runs all the way into the River Glenderamackin, which joins the River Derwent to flow through Keswick…