Underwater scene in the Irish Sea of Thongweed and Snakelocks © Paul Naylor
Protecting wildlife in and around the Irish sea
How we help nature's recovery in the Irish sea
Cumbria Wildlife Trust works in partnership with The North West Wildlife Trusts which has helped to secure the Marine and Coastal Access Act.
Our seas have a remarkable capacity to recover, but only if we give them the chance. Decades of neglect have left our seas damaged and degraded, but it's not too late to save them. Scroll to find out more.
Living seas - Marine Protected Area (https://vimeo.com/239640741)
A short film " What should a Marine Protected Area look like?" by Thomas Daguerre and Andrew Ball.
Our vision is that wildlife thrives, from the depths of the ocean to the coastal shallows
Living Seas - What is in your Irish sea (https://youtu.be/S11lHEg7Igk)
Discover what is in the Irish sea by watching our short video clip.
Watch our short video clip to discover what marine life lives in the Irish sea. Hidden beneath the surface are landscapes every bit as varied as those we see on land. Undersea cliffs, caves, valleys and mountains are home to thousands of plants & animals, from tiny anemones to the majestic basking shark.