Osprey web cam 2016 clips Foulshaw Moss
First South Walney seal pup of season spotted on seal cam
The first grey seal pup to be born this breeding season has been spotted at South Walney Nature Reserve near Barrow. The pup was seen on Cumbria Wildlife Trust’s seal cam, which live streams…
It's wonderful news!
We've been awarded £1.6 millon from the Heritage Lottery Fund to buy and restore Eycott Hill.
Badger cam
Common seal
The smaller of our two UK seal species, common seals are also known as harbour seals. Despite being called "Common", they are actually less common than grey seals!
Grey seal
Have you ever seen the curious face of a grey seal bobbing in the waves when visiting the beach? Grey seals can be seen lying on beaches waiting for their food to go down. Sometimes they are…
Bird and Seal Watch
Do you live in Barrow? Discover the wildlife on your doorstep by coming to a Bird and Seal Watch at South Walney Nature Reserve.