Living seas - Marine protection campaigns
Marine Conservation Zones finally secured for Irish Sea
We're delighted that six more Marine Conservation Zones are designated in the Irish Sea, creating a network of protected areas
Living landscapes - wildlife conservation
Sabellaria surveying with the Marine Trainees!
Week number 3 as the new conservation apprentices and we are settling in brilliantly. We’ve already partaken in days with many of the other staff here at Cumbria Wildlife Trust and are enjoying…
There's another world waiting beneath the waves. Seals weave in and out of sunlit kelp forests, cuttlefish flash all the colours of the rainbow, starfish graze along the muddy seabed and…
National Marine Week 2022
Marine Champion Lizzie
Marine Champion volunteer Lizzie Pennefather shares her experience as a volunteer on our coastline.
Marine survey day
Join our volunteer Marine Champions as they lead our monthly survey days
Marine Survey Day
Join our volunteer Marine Champions as they lead our monthly survey days
Marine Futures Internship
The Marine Futures Internship Programme offers a unique opportunity to candidates who are passionate and enthusiastic about the marine environment.
The Marine Futures Interns will gain…