Protect the Staveley Woodlands
Craggy Wood is a beautiful ancient woodland in Staveley. And it will now be protected for many years to come thanks to our wonderful supporters.
Thank you so much to the people of Staveley and everyone from far and wide that donated to the Save Craggy Wood Appeal, you are amazing!
With your help Craggy Wood has now been purchased from The Lake District National Park and its future is safe. Well done to everyone who played their part in saving this precious corner of our county.
The journey for Craggy Wood doesn’t end there. We now have a dedicated Staveley Woodlands Officer who is working with the local community to ensure this precious woodland an even better place for wildlife and a great place for people to visit.
Over the coming months and years we will reconnect Craggy Wood with rest of the Staveley Woodlands creating a fantastic wildlife corridor.
Help Staveley Woodlands thrive

Craggy Wood, Staveley
Work on the ground at the Staveley Woodlands has started; we have a brilliant group of volunteer wallers that have started rebuilding some of the boundary walls in and around the woodland.
Some of the habitat management has also begun with the help of the Westmorland Red Squirrel Society. We hope that with careful conservation we will see the reds reappearing very soon.
The local primary school are keen to make the most of this fantastic place and our Education Officer has led a series of fun workshops in school and at the forest for the older year groups.
Volunteer species hunters are out each week documenting all the flora and fauna within the woodlands, this data will help guide our management and will also be used to write a new trail leaflet and information panels.
We plan to install new information panels at three entry points to the reserve to guide people around this special place.
We have been very kindly gifted an additional piece of grassland to join up the fragmented pieces of woodland. Here we need to build a stone wall to exclude neighbouring livestock and to help give public access we need to install some gates and a small bridge over a stream.
If you would like to get involved in anyway please do get in touch!
Maintaining access and the freedom to play in Craggy Wood, as well as protecting the native wildlife is why I whole heartedly support this bid to secure the woods on behalf of the local and wider community.
I regularly walk through Craggy Wood and enjoy so much it's changing seasons - and beauty. A superb task that you have set yourselves and I do hope so much that it is successful.

I discovered Craggy Wood a few years ago when 'killing time' whilst my scooter was being serviced at Sapphire bikes. A stroll around the wood is now a part of my annual Scooter MOT! It's only a short walk from the village, but is a surprisingly picturesque and peaceful place. It should remain available for all to enjoy.