© Cameron Titorenko
2015 grey seal video clips
Cumbria's first grey seal pups
Cumbria's first ever grey seal pups were born at our South Walney Nature Reserve in November 2015.
Due to the young age of a seal pup, it's incredibly vulnerable to disturbance, which would cause the mother to abandon it and the pup to starve.
For this reason, during seal pupping season - usually October to late November, & has been recorded as starting in September - there is strictly no access to the area of the nature reserve where the seals are. So it.is not possible to view a pup at South Walney Nature Reserve.
However, the rest of the seals can be seen playing and fishing in the water at high tide, along with thousands of wintering wildfowl and wader birds, from hides elsewhere on the nature reserve.
Seal Pup on Walney Island Video 1 (https://youtu.be/apH3JEiWgz8)
Grey seal pup on Walney Island
Watch one of the grey seal pups that was born at South Walney Nature Reserve, Cumbria, in Autumn 2015.
Grey Seal Pup on Walney Island Video 2 (https://youtu.be/PMitvZriHk8)
Grey seal pup on Walney Island
More footage of one of the grey seal pups born at South Walney Nature Reserve on Walney Island in Autumn 2015.

Grey seals © Vaughn Matthews