Ivy bee © Jane Adams
Please join us and many others in helping to save our native pollinators
What is Cumbria's Plan Bee?
Download Cumbria's Plan Bee strategy (pdf)
Cumbria’s Plan Bee strategy (pdf) has been developed by the Cumbria Local Nature Partnership, as part of our
We all depend on pollinators. They play a vital role in our food production, pollinating many fruit and vegetable crops, and are also a key component of our natural world; however, many species are in trouble.
We urgently need to make our gardens, public greenspace and farmland more pollinator friendly.
We need to get everyone thinking about pollinators, everyone taking some action (however small) and to get every available piece of land working for pollinators.
Plus, we need commitments from key organisations, groups, businesses, farmers, gardeners and landowners to deliver the priority actions identified.
By getting everyone working together we can piece together a new flower-rich landscape and sustain our pollinators into the future