
Get closer to the field and a little more behind the scenes by reading about the wild experiences, wildlife insights and recollections of staff and volunteers – writers from all over the organisation, from our Reserve Officers to our student placements.

We welcome guest bloggers! If you have something to write home about - whether you've got a trail cam in your garden, or you've been bird watching, or visited one of our nature reserves - if it's to do with Cumbria's wildlife and wild places then we'd love to hear from you!


2024 White YW flying in with Blue 35 on the nest

Counting down the days

Embark on this year's #FoulshawOspreys journey with a read of this blog, written by one of our regular volunteers, J Cornell, as we look to the skies with a sense of hope.

Image is of three different photos, one with two people posed in a greenhouse, the other two of different plants growing outside.

Wildlife Gardening with Head Farmer of Our Farm

John Rowland, Head Farmer at Our Farm, answered some of our questions about wildlife gardening, giving us an insight into how they practice biodiversity. Our Farm supplies Simon Rogan's…

A frost-covered spiders web on the hinge of a gate leading into a field

Where do spiders go in winter?

Ever wondered where all the spiders go during the colder months? You might think they're all inside your house – but the truth is, they have other strategies up their eight sleeves.

Sunrise over coastal mudflats with gulls on shoreline, Solway Firth, Cumbria, England. Copyright Peter Cairns/2020VISION

Birds of Morecambe Bay (and the Solway!)

Scott, the Trust's Southern Reserves Officer, is a keen birder and shares what wetland birds you're likely to spot on the mudflats of Morecambe Bay and the Solway Firth.
