Blog: Nature reserves

Image: Tom Marshall

We welcome guest bloggers! If you've something to write home about - whether you've got a trail cam in your garden, or you've made a bird box, or visited one of our nature reserves - if it's to do with Cumbria's wildlife & wild places then we'd love to hear from you!


A young man and woman sit amongst flowering heather, with a dog on a lead sat beside them. The woman has her hands on the dog, whilst the man looks through a pair of binoculars.

Paws for thought

The UK is a nation of both dog lovers and nature lovers, but are those two passions compatible? We spoke to some Wildlife Trust staff who balance both.

Curious adult female grey seal ©Sylwia Zbijewska

Grey seals by Skomer Island warden, Nathan Wilkie

Grey seal pups are one of the most popular highlights of the UK nature calendar, with thousands of people heading to seal pupping hotspots to see the fluffy white pups for themselves. The UK is…

Den at Staveley Woodlands

Badger, bats and beech nuts

August has been a busy month, with the school holidays in full swing the woodlands have been visited by many intrepid explorers.


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