No 'January Blues' here
An insight into the work of an Apprentice Conservation Officer.
Get closer to the field and a little more behind the scenes by reading about the wild experiences, wildlife insights and recollections of staff and volunteers – writers from all over the organisation, from our Reserve Officers to our student placements.
We welcome guest bloggers! If you have something to write home about - whether you've got a trail cam in your garden, or you've been bird watching, or visited one of our nature reserves - if it's to do with Cumbria's wildlife and wild places then we'd love to hear from you!
An insight into the work of an Apprentice Conservation Officer.
Read on for an inside view of our fortnightly grey seal surveys...
We have just joined Cumbria Wildlife Trust as Apprentices Conservation Officers and thought we’d introduce ourselves!
We have been contacted by one of our members who would like to open a conversation about the poor state of our hedgerows and roadside verges. Our member is a Cumbrian farmer who is very committed…
Unbelievably, we are fast approaching one year of being conservation apprentices here at Cumbria Wildlife Trust! We’re definitely not the newbies anymore; Isaac and I are now both deep into our…
A jam packed month after Christmas saw the two Conservation Apprentices take on plenty new challenges
As warned by Kate CD, blogging regularly would become more and more difficult to fit in as Isaac and I got busier at the Trust – so this my attempt to squeeze two packed months into one blog post…
10th October 2016 - Fruit collecting and tree tagging with Jamie and Annie Meanwell
Hutton Roof reserve visit and bird walk with the wonderful Bryan Yorke.
A fantastic day out with Jamie collecting sloes and some lunchtime birding.