Blog: Outdoor Learning

Image: Tom Marshall

We welcome guest bloggers! If you've something to write home about - whether you've got a trail cam in your garden, or you've made a bird box, or visited one of our nature reserves - if it's to do with Cumbria's wildlife & wild places then we'd love to hear from you!


Group at Eycott Hill Bioblitz with Blencathra in the background

Busy bioblitzing!

My name is Jenny and I have just finished my second year at Durham University studying Biological Sciences. I am doing a summer placement with Cumbria Wildlife Trust, based at Eycott Hill Nature…

Fungi found at Eycott Hill Nature Reserve

In search of fantastic fungi

Recently I joined Paul Nichol of Cumbria Fungi Group and several enthusiastic fungi foragers to learn about marvellous mushroom and terrific toadstools.

Moth ID course at Eycott Hill

Magnificent moths

On the 8th August Nigel Voaden introduced us to moth identification, and how we could begin to tell kittens from pugs, and tigers from hawks!

Sedge ID Course at Eycott Hill

Stunning sedges

After a superb day teaching us how to identify grasses John O’Reilly of Ptyxis Ecology returned to test our brains with his knowledge of sedges.

People studying grasses at Eycott Hill Nature Reserve

Gorgeous grasses

On the 6th July a group went on to Eycott Hill Nature Reserve following the very knowledgeable John O’Reilly of Ptyxis Ecology in search of grasses to identify.


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