Wildlife Watching
A poem by Susan Cartwright-Smith, Gosling Sike writer-in-residence and Wildlife Watch Leader for Houghton Watch Group
Sam Ansell
We welcome guest bloggers! If you've something to write home about - whether you've got a trail cam in your garden, or you've made a bird box, or visited one of our nature reserves - if it's to do with Cumbria's wildlife & wild places then we'd love to hear from you!
A poem by Susan Cartwright-Smith, Gosling Sike writer-in-residence and Wildlife Watch Leader for Houghton Watch Group
A poem by Gosling Sike writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith
A poem by Gosling Sike writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith
Storms - a poem by Gosling Sike writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith, February 2022.
The latest poem by writer in residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.
The latest Gosling Sike-inspired poem by writer in residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.
A poem inspired by Gosling Sike by writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.
Poetry inspired by the apple orchard at Gosling Sike by writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.
Throughout the summer Susan Cartwright-Smith, writer in residence at Gosling Sike has continued to visit the reserve. She has complied two beautiful poems reflecting upon those visits.
Visiting Gosling Sike in May during the Covid restrictions - a poem by writer in residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.