Visiting Gosling Sike in May

Visiting Gosling Sike in May

Annual flower border at Gosling Sike

Visiting Gosling Sike in May during the Covid restrictions - a poem by writer in residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.

Who is with me while I walk, 
Which feels rebellious
Or, not quite that, but
As we are now unsure
If what we do, 
A simple act of walking
Is allowed. 
But while we agonised
And stood apart
And stayed alone and masked
And watched the clear blue skies
And heard the birdsong, 
Life went on. 
And greenery has claimed the barren earth
And flying insects flit
Among the dancing stems
And in thee water alien creatures
Metamorphose undisturbed
By net or plastic tub, 
And everywhere is full of life
And verdant
In this lost words world
Which I have found once more. 
And me, and my walking partner, 
2 metres behind me, 
Find that life
Is beautiful.