Blog: poetry

Image: Tom Marshall

We welcome guest bloggers! If you've something to write home about - whether you've got a trail cam in your garden, or you've made a bird box, or visited one of our nature reserves - if it's to do with Cumbria's wildlife & wild places then we'd love to hear from you!


Painted lady

Poems & prose inspired by nature | part 2

Gosling Sike’s regular Tuesday volunteer group from Carlisle Mencap had a break from weeding recently and worked with writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith to pen poetry and prose inspired by…

Mencap volunteer working at Gosling Sike

Poems & prose inspired by nature

Gosling Sike’s regular volunteer group from Carlisle Mencap had a break from weeding recently and worked with writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith to pen poetry and prose inspired by the…

Frost crystals © Jody Ferguson

A winter poem

The latest poem by writer in residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.

Osprey family

Poem: 'Soar'

Local writer and poet Catherine Morgan Wania, from South Lakeland, recently collaborated with Teazhy, a Nigerian poet, to write a poem about osprey migration from Cumbria to a place near Abuja,…

Teasels at Gosling Sike © Jody Ferguson

November at Gosling Sike

The latest Gosling Sike-inspired poem by writer in residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.

Autumn beech trees woodland - copyright Don Sutherland

Poem: 'Spiral Down'

A poem inspired by Gosling Sike by writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.

Wetlands at Gosling Sike © Andrew Heptinstall

A summer visit to Gosling Sike

Throughout the summer Susan Cartwright-Smith, writer in residence at Gosling Sike has continued to visit the reserve. She has complied two beautiful poems reflecting upon those visits.

Annual flower border at Gosling Sike

Visiting Gosling Sike in May

Visiting Gosling Sike in May during the Covid restrictions - a poem by writer in residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.


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