Blog: Foulshaw Moss

Image: Tom Marshall

We welcome guest bloggers! If you've something to write home about - whether you've got a trail cam in your garden, or you've made a bird box, or visited one of our nature reserves - if it's to do with Cumbria's wildlife & wild places then we'd love to hear from you!



Getting to know the #FoulshawOspreys

As our pair of #FoulshawOspreys have returned to Foulshaw Moss Nature Reserve we get to know our breeding pair a bit better and have a look back over their years of summering at Foulshaw Moss…


Maiden Flights

We've been holding our breath as the young ospreys take their first flights out of the nest. #FoulshawOspreys volunteer Jenny Cornell shares some of the footage, and the dates the three…

Foulshaw Moss 2023 chicks

The Three Degrees

It is hot, hotter and even hotter! The Foulshaw Moss Osprey chicks successfully hatched and are now growing fast. Three chicks emerged from their shells right on time; on 22, 24 and 27 May. Here…

Image of Foulshaw Moss ospreys return on 26 March 2021

Ospreys return & eggs arrive....

Ospreys have nested at Cumbria Wildlife Trust’s Foulshaw Moss reserve for the ninth year. Guest blogger and Foulshaw Moss Nature Reserve volunteer Alasdair McKee tells us more...

Image of osprey with chicks at Foulshaw Moss May 2020

Osprey chicks arrive at Foulshaw Moss

It was a long six weeks for Foulshaw osprey watchers. The wait is now over and Alasdair McKee describes the the chicks' arrival over the past week.


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