There were three in the nest, and the littlest fledged...
Things are really taking off at Foulshaw Moss, as volunteer & osprey enthusiast Alasdair McKee explains.
Get closer to the field and a little more behind the scenes by reading about the wild experiences, wildlife insights and recollections of staff and volunteers – writers from all over the organisation, from our Reserve Officers to our student placements.
We welcome guest bloggers! If you have something to write home about - whether you've got a trail cam in your garden, or you've been bird watching, or visited one of our nature reserves - if it's to do with Cumbria's wildlife and wild places then we'd love to hear from you!
Things are really taking off at Foulshaw Moss, as volunteer & osprey enthusiast Alasdair McKee explains.
The ospreys have returned to Cumbria Wildlife Trust’s Foulshaw Moss Nature Reserve for the 10th year.
Moths do lots outside the worlds of showbiz and fashion, writes Alasdair McKee
Volunteer Alasdair McKee gives an entertaining take on the dawn chorus and urges us to get up early this Sunday for a wonderful avian concert