Blog: Eycott Hill


Hay Meadows at Eycott Hill Nature Reserve with Blencathra in the distance 

My placement so far by Jess Cowburn

My name is Jess Cowburn and I’m the northern reserve placement student. For as long as I can remember I’ve preferred animals to people, so for me a job involving animals would be ideal. When the…

Cover of An Aikett Wind anthology

Inspirational Eycott Hill

Cumbria Wildlife Trust are delighted to share a second collection of writing inspired by Eycott Hill Nature Reserve.

Slowing the flow work at Eycott Hill

Work experience

My name is Emilia and I have been doing work experience with Cumbria Wildlife Trust for a week. I will be going into my last year of school and hope to study Zoology at University.

Group at Eycott Hill Bioblitz with Blencathra in the background

Busy bioblitzing!

My name is Jenny and I have just finished my second year at Durham University studying Biological Sciences. I am doing a summer placement with Cumbria Wildlife Trust, based at Eycott Hill Nature…
