Blog: Susan Cartwright-Smith

Image: Tom Marshall

We welcome guest bloggers! If you've something to write home about - whether you've got a trail cam in your garden, or you've made a bird box, or visited one of our nature reserves - if it's to do with Cumbria's wildlife & wild places then we'd love to hear from you!


Gosling sike exterior office 2021

Wildlife Watching

A poem by Susan Cartwright-Smith, Gosling Sike writer-in-residence and Wildlife Watch Leader for Houghton Watch Group

Pied flycatcher

I took a path

A poem by Gosling Sike writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith

image of a grasshopper warbler bird singing  -copyright amy lewis


A poem by Gosling Sike writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith

Painted lady

Poems & prose inspired by nature | part 2

Gosling Sike’s regular Tuesday volunteer group from Carlisle Mencap had a break from weeding recently and worked with writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith to pen poetry and prose inspired by…

Mencap volunteer working at Gosling Sike

Poems & prose inspired by nature

Gosling Sike’s regular volunteer group from Carlisle Mencap had a break from weeding recently and worked with writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith to pen poetry and prose inspired by the…

Frost crystals © Jody Ferguson

A winter poem

The latest poem by writer in residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.

Teasels at Gosling Sike © Jody Ferguson

November at Gosling Sike

The latest Gosling Sike-inspired poem by writer in residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.

Autumn beech trees woodland - copyright Don Sutherland

Poem: 'Spiral Down'

A poem inspired by Gosling Sike by writer-in-residence Susan Cartwright-Smith.


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