What are your interests in wildlife?
I’ve been fascinated by the living world since being small; I remember watching ants come and go and staring into ponds for hours wondering at the lives of the tiny beasts I could see. As an adult I’m still fascinated, but more concerned than ever as I’ve seen in my lifetime a dramatic decline in the UK’s insect population and understand the huge impact this has on the rest of the ecosystem.
How long have you volunteered for?
I first started volunteering with conservation groups in 2012. I could see a growing need for environmental scientists and so had started studying for a degree part time. To get some practical experience and learn more I got involved with Lancashire Wildlife Trust and other conservation groups in my hometown of Bolton, and over the years did various surveying, ID courses and fundraising events. It was so good to meet other volunteers who had so much passion for wildlife and were happy to share their knowledge and time.
Why did you start volunteering for Cumbria Wildlife Trust?
I moved up to Cumbria in 2021 and was looking to continue volunteering regularly as I had done in Lancashire. I was lucky to move into a village sandwiched between the Yorkshire Dales and Lake District National Parks so had lots of different groups and tasks to choose from.
What volunteering do you do with Cumbria Wildlife Trust? Where?
I am involved with Eyes on the Bog, a citizen science project that uses a network of volunteers to visit data gathering sites on peatlands to check on monitoring equipment. This involves long days out on the fells, which I simply love. I have also helped the wildflower meadows team with tasks such as seed collecting, plug planting and meadow management. Every day is unique and interesting.