The volunteers have been working in the Gosling Sike wildlife garden and with the Get Cumbria Buzzing project, looking after the flower beds, feeding birds, sowing seeds and planting wildflowers to help pollinating insects.
Volunteers at Gosling Sike
Mencap volunteer working at Gosling Sike. get Cumbria Buzzing

Jordan at work at Gosling Sike wildflower garden
Volunteer Jordan said: “I remember back at primary school, being in the courtyard and planting. I remember I’ve always had a garden. And I like going for walks in the park. I noticed a lot of bees and plants in the summer. I used to be terrified of bees! But as I've got older, I've realised they are so important for the environment and pollination. At Gosling Sike I like watering the plants and planting wildflowers. It’s all good but I do find watering relaxing. When I’m not here, I like going out for walks, but at the moment during the quarantine, I’m kept inside quite a lot. The scenery here is nice. We've sown devil's bit scabious today. I’ve learnt different types of flowers. At the moment it’s winter and there aren’t many pollinators or flowers about but later I’ll plant more plants for pollinators in my garden.”

David working at Gosling Sike wildflower garden
Volunteer David said: “When I was little, I thought bees would sting me but now I know they help to pollinate flowers and help nature. At Gosling Sike, I like sowing seeds, learning about different plants and hearing the birds. I can hear them right now. I really enjoyed planting the raised beds with plants. My favourite activity is feeding the birds and filling up the bird feeders at Gosling Sike. When I’m not here I help at a restaurant and a farm. When I work here I feel relaxed. We've sowed meadow buttercup and I've learned how to look after wildlife and how to sow seeds and plant flowers."