Distington Community School performing 'The Faeries of Eycott Hill' during The Hill of Dreams at Eycott Hill Nature Reserve © Prism Arts
Education resources all about Eycott Hill Nature Reserve
Educational resources
As part of the Eycott Hill project, we have created a number of educational resources for children which focus on the landscape, geology, wildlife and habitats of Eycott Hill Nature Reserve. Have a look at the different activity sheets and learn all about this wonderful upland nature reserve!
Natural History
The following resources include a map, which details what can be seen during a walk across Eycott Hill Nature Reserve, and an activity recording sheet, which can be used in conjunction with the map to record your findings.
These resources are best used when visiting Eycott Hill Nature Reserve itself as you can tick-off wildlife and features as you spot them during your walk.
They can be used by children of all ages, however younger children may require adult assistance.
The following resources include information about general geology and geology specific to Eycott Hill Nature Reserve.
These resources are suitable for use at home or in the classroom, you don't need to visit the nature reserve to complete them.
The question sheet is aimed at Key Stage 3 children but younger children could be helped to answer them.
The PDF's are best displayed using Adobe Acrobat Reader, however PNG files are also listed below. Please note the links will not work in the question sheet if using the PNG version, but all necessary resources can be found below.
Hay meadows and wild flowers
The following resources include information about the history of the hay meadows of Eycott Hill Nature Reserve, what wild flower species you might come across within the meadows and a glossary of the key terms in each resource.
These resources are suitable for students at college or university to use at home or whilst on a visit to the nature reserve itself, or indeed any other reserve which has hay meadows.
The PDF's are best displayed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Work at Eycott Hill Nature Reserve is possible thanks to National Lottery Players and support from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.