Take on a challenge event and raise funds for wildlife!
Your local wildlife needs you and your community!
Who doesn’t like a challenge? It can be a great way to get fit or try something you’ve not attempted before.
Doing something ‘a bit different’ can feel like an adventure. From the moment you decide to challenge yourself, throughout all the prep work and/or training, right through to crossing the finishing line (or getting to the bottom of the rock you’ve just abseiled down), adrenaline will be pumping through your veins.
Taking on a challenge event can be truly exhilarating and a super way to raise funds for wildlife!
You might want to do a 5 or 10K race, take part in a danceathon, swim, cycle or paddleboard a set distance OR you might want to do something a little less physical. Maybe you’re a keen knitter and want to make and sell £100 worth of knitted flowers or hedgehogs, or create a mosaic of something nature inspired made of recycled materials and auction it off.
Get the kids involved too; a garden bioblitz with a donation for every species found, hop like a frog, or maybe it's time for a sponsored silence...?
We could not do what we do for Cumbria's wildlife & wild places without the help of people like YOU! Thank you.
Ready to go wild for wildlife? Let’s do this!
Next steps
Whether you choose to get sponsored or you’re planning to sell or auction off items, check out our Wilder Cumbria Fundraising Ideas sheet for further ideas and inspiration, as well as our Useful links & free downloads page, where you’ll find a donation form and other free downloads to support your fundraising as well as quick links to useful websites.
You might want to sign up to our annual #BigWildWalk Keep an eye out, it's every June.
Head to our Getting Started - key things to consider page for hints & tips, including the legal bits & bobs, as well as a checklist to get you up and running with your fabulous fundraiser.
Thank you - you're helping to make a real difference for wildlife
The Trust is regulated by the Fundraising Regulator. We closely follow the principles outlined in our Fundraising Promise, and commit to abide by the Code of Fundraising Practice
If, once you’ve absorbed all the info on our fundraising pages, you feel something’s missing or we could explain something better, get in touch by emailing us