Fundraise with us | At work

a group of people outside South Walney Nature Reserve visitor centre

Fundraising at work

Fundraise as a team with your work mates. Get giving through payroll (one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to donate) or host a collection tin in your office or on reception.

Take on a team challenge

Fundraising as a team can be a lot of fun!

You could take on a team challenge event - even pit yourself against another local business (for fun, and extra motivation obviously!) You could speak to your HR department and encourage others to sign up to payroll giving. You might want to consider hosting a collection tin in your office or on your reception desk. 


There's a multitude of ways you can support wildlife from work:

Take on a challenge as a team

You work with your colleagues day in day out, though you may not get the opportunity to connect all that much on a fun level. Taking on a challenge event as a team could be a great way to remedy this!

Take a look at some of the local challenges on offer in the area. As soon as you’ve decided what you’re doing, or if you want to chat through your ideas with a member of the team, get in touch and tell us about your plans.

Payroll Giving: Give as you earn

Give As You Earn (GAYE) is the most tax effective way for employees to donate to charity.

It allows employees to make donations to charities directly from their pay, before tax.  This means for a basic rate tax payer, every donation of £1 to the charity will only result in an 80p deduction from your pay.

To give you an idea of how it works: say you decide to donate £10 a month. This would break down as follows:

Your salary contribution as a 20% tax rate payer £8
Your salary contribution as a 40% tax rate payer £6
Your salary contribution as a 45% tax rate payer £5.50

Cumbria Wildlife Trust would receive £10 donation in all cases.

We currently receive GAYE donations from CAF (Charity Aid Foundation) - check out CAF’s page to see how they help employees donate directly from their salary.

We love payroll giving - regular donations allow us to predict and plan in a way we otherwise wouldn’t be able to do. It’s good for supporters too - you can easily adjust the amount you choose to donate at any time AND your money is going further - don’t forget—if you choose to donate say, £15 (and you’re a 20% tax payer), you only actually pay out £13!

As it’s taken out of your wage before you get paid, psychologically it’s great too as you barely notice it’s even gone from your account.

It’s worth asking your employer if they'd consider matching your donation too.

Start giving more for less today!

Ask your Finance team about how to go about setting this up. They'll need to register your place of work in order to facilitate your request if they’re not already set up for payroll giving, but it isn’t a complicated process (in case they need it, recommend they start here if they wish to use CAF, with which we’re registered).

Nominate us as your charity of the year

Many companies choose a Charity of the Year to support through various fundraising and charitable donations. We’d love to be yours! Having a charity of the year can be a great way to unite colleagues, and demonstrates a businesses’ commitment to making a difference (be that to nature, or otherwise).

Check out our business partnerships pages to learn more ways you can get involved, including how you can become a corporate member.

Conservation-led team-building day.


We offer conservation team building days, led by our experienced reserves team, called Wild Work Days.  

A Wild Work Day involves your team spending a day at a Cumbria Wildlife Trust nature reserve or a project site, helping with conservation tasks to improve habitats for wildlife or spaces for communities.  For more information on our Wild Work Days

Host a donation box, tap donate station or Just Giving donation page.

This could be done as a stand alone, long or short term action, or as part of a commitment to support us for a year as your chosen Charity of the Year.

Get in touch to request a donation box , or if you would like to make a more permanent commitment to collecting donations on our behalf, please consider investing in a tap to donate machine. The World of Beatrix Potter are doing just that, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their commitment to helping nature. 

Depending on what you choose to do, you might want to consider setting up  an online donation or sponsorship page - head to Just Giving to learn more.


Donate a percentage of sales

1% for the Planet logo

1% for the Planet logo.

If you'd like to donate a percentage of sales to support wildlife, firstly, thank you! 

We think 1% for the Planet is a great way for businesses to donate to us with ease. Whilst they do ask the donating organisation for a membership fee, there are no fees that Cumbria Wildlife Trust need to pay.  We think this is a small price to pay when you consider how much time it would take us to set up a CPA (commercial participatory agreement), PLUS it provides us, and any business we deal with, peace of mind with regards to the legal requirements of CPAs.

Give As You Earn (GAYE) is the most tax effective way for employees to donate to charity.

The Trust is regulated by the Fundraising Regulator.  We closely follow the principles outlined in our Fundraising Promise, and commit to abide by the Code of Fundraising Practice