'It was evident that there would be no leadership from the government and communities would have to organise themselves to achieve net zero carbon.'
Phil Furneaux, Brampton2Zero
Brampton2Zero (B2Z) aims to get Brampton, near Carlisle, to net zero carbon emissions through a range of community projects. The Community Interest Company, launched in April 2022, is gauging attitudes of local residents and organising biodiversity studies to help inform their strategy. It also hopes to create a blueprint to help other communities to transition to net zero in future.
Chair of Brampton2Zero and Honorary Teaching Fellow at Lancaster University, Phil Furneaux, told us more:
'I was inspired to start Brampton2Zero after creating the Sustainability Physics for Schools website and seeing how physics is often at the heart of low-carbon solutions.
I became very confident that the technology was already available for a transition to net zero carbon. One of the questions on the website was based round the work of Ambleside2Zero and I thought, if they can do it, so can Brampton!
Lastly, it was evident that there would be no leadership from the government and communities would have to organise themselves to achieve net zero carbon.
In 10 years time, we hope that the Brampton Community will generate and store their own supply of electric so they will be resilient against any grid failure plus the price will be affordable.
There will be energy-retrofitted homes with shared heating schemes so no-one will experience fuel poverty. The town will be surrounded by pollination and wildlife corridors and the hedgehogs will be eating all the slugs so the gardens will be extra productive.
Children and families will have planted trees which they will look after and enjoy the appreciation of watching trees grow. Their work about B2Z in school will improve their understanding of sustainability and respect for nature. The Brampton Community will be working together to provide a sustainable future.
Anyone who would like to help is welcome to volunteer with us. I aim to create a flat-structured organisation where everyone has equal status and our volunteers play a major role in our future direction.