Danny Poland
'We all benefited, nature and people, from our simple actions. So many people did their bit and when that came together, it made the most enormous difference. '
Danny Poland
Danny is proof that one person can provide the spark that changes everything! He got his whole community involved in transforming their village for nature, tapping into neighbourly spirit during lockdown.
Here's Danny's story:
'During the first lockdown in March 2020, I decided I really wanted to do something to help my local community through difficult times. Hoping to cheer people up, I planted loads of sunflower seeds until I had over 50 small plants, then gifted these around my village. I decided on sunflowers because they’re great for pollinators and their seeds feed the birds in autumn.
As restrictions continued on into 2021, I wanted to build on what I started. This time, I decided to enter our village for the Cumbria in Bloom ‘Pride in Your Community' award. From April 2021, I communicated to everyone through the Parish Magazine, the village noticeboard and by putting a leaflet through every door. I invited people to join in, in any way they could, on the theme of 'Helping Our Pollinators' – whether than was planting in their garden, putting up a hanging basket or creating a bee hotel.
I still can't believe the response that came from my invitation. Something magical happened in our village. A messy area next to a bin and a postbox was transformed into a small garden, full of cosmos, hostas, nasturtiums, oregano, geraniums, pansies, violas, sunflowers, begonias and more. It was the most inviting place to sit on the lovely bench and enjoy. The children at the local school filled planters with bee-friendly plants, with money donated by the Brampton and Longtown Rotary Club, and the church joined in with some magnificent pots.
The result was incredible. The village was stunning, with colour everywhere you looked and there was such a buzz (literally!) about the place from the very appreciative pollinators. The birds have also benefited from the extra insects and seeds. The highlight for me was the surprise and amazement I felt in what was achieved.
We all benefited, nature and people, from our simple actions. So many people did their bit and when that came together, it made the most enormous difference. We went on to win the Silver Gilt Medal Award from Cumbria in Bloom. I want to continue to help our local wildlife in 2022, encouraging biodiversity in my local area and benefiting our community at the same time.
Next year, we're working as a committee because so many people want it to continue. We've already shown what can be achieved with a simple invitation and regular communication with the community. I believe that so many people, all over Cumbria, want to help nature and could benefit if their community came together in the same way ours did.
So many people are concerned about the climate and nature crises, but are unsure on what they can do about it. There’s a helplessness and powerlessness that a lot of us feel with the enormity of what needs to be done. Doing something on your own doorstep that makes a difference might seem small, but it's a great place to start.
Discover the best plants for bees and other pollinators
Learn how to create a container garden for wildlife