Eamonn Hennessy
'Huge decisions need to be made at the top of government, nationally and internationally, if we are to put the brakes on when it comes to habitat and species loss. But there is so much that we as individuals can do, too.'
Cllr Eamonn Hennessy
Eamonn Hennessy is chair of Kendal Town Council's Environment Committee, and uses his time in and out of work to promote action for nature.
Here's more from Eamonn:
'My love of wildlife goes back many years and I’m really concerned about the depletion of our native flora and fauna. Huge decisions need to be made at the top of government, nationally and internationally, if we are to put the brakes on when it comes to habitat and species loss. But there is so much that we as individuals can do, too.
This could be something as simple as leaving a bit of our outdoor space to grow wild for part of the year, or not creating green concrete by shearing our lawns to within an inch of their lives many times each year. We can also look to lobby local government to do their bit when it comes to looking after our green spaces.
I’m very fortunate to be a local councillor in Kendal. That enables me to make decisions and have input into various processes that can have a positive effect on biodiversity. That could be something as simple as organising some funding for a local nature group, to something far more complex like the ‘Natural Kendal’ project, which I am helping to steer, and which will identify opportunities to increase biodiversity across Kendal.
Over the last few years, I’ve been able to obtain funding for trees and hedge plants to be planted at Fletcher Park, Kendal Town FC and Kendal United FC. I’d estimate that I’ve also redistributed around 1500 plants over the last two years to various causes via the national group TCV. I’ve even provided some plants to CWT for use at Birds Park reservoir as part of the Natural Flood Management scheme there.
It's worth mentioning that I also get stuck in with my spade at every opportunity! Just recently I helped plant new trees in Fletcher Park to help replace those lost to disease and storm.
I’m passionate about biodiversity. I’d like to see every household, business and school do something, however small, to help link up and create green corridors around our town. Planting trees, reconsidering mowing regimes, creating an area of wildflowers, changing the kind of lighting we use, all can have a positive effect. As chair of the town council’s Environment Committee I’ve pushed to ensure we have funding available to help, that we have a biodiversity policy in place and that we apply this to all the decisions we make.'
Contact Eamonn to discuss funding for a nature project