Get your garden buzzing and put your postcode on our map

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Get your garden buzzing & add your postcode to our map

The map above shows where others are already making a difference for nature's recovery by planting for bees and other pollinators in their gardens & green spaces.

Add your postcode to the map

A person gardening with gloves on

Image: Tom Marshall

Did you know there are over 15 million gardens across the UK, a whopping 667,000 acres, an area seven times the size of the Isle of Wight!

Think of the difference it could make for these hugely beneficial insects if each garden or green space was cared for in a pollinator-friendly way.

How to make a difference for pollinators in your garden or green space

By simply creating a wildflower patch, adding pollinator-friendly plants to your borders or planters, and mowing less frequently can make a big difference, increasing the survival rates of bumblebees, butterflies and other pollinators significantly.

Our project area follows ‘best fit’ pollinator pathways across north west Cumbria. Making your garden or local green spaces more pollinator-friendly will help strengthen our efforts.

The extra habitat will not only help boost local populations, it will also create additional stepping stones of flower-rich habitat increasing the connectivity between the sites we are restoring and creating too.

Our mission, with your help, is to cover the whole of our project area with gardens and green spaces full of wild pollinators.

If you’ve planted for pollinators, simply tell us using the form below. We'll add your location pin to the map, so everyone can see where Cumbria is buzzing! 

Garden Bumblebee © Penny Frith

Garden Bumblebee © Penny Frith

Add your postcode as a pin on our planting for pollinators map by completing the form below

Please be aware there's a delay with bee pins appearing on our map. Check back again later to see your pin!

Enter the postcode of your pollinator friendly location into the Address text field below. A pin will automatically be dropped at the specified location in the search map below.

You can move around and zoom in and out of the search map to find a more specific location.

Clicking on the map once will update the pin’s location.
Are you a member of Cumbria Wildlife Trust?
Keep in touch
We’d love to keep in contact with you about the work of Cumbria Wildlife Trust and share other ways that you can get involved. 

We promise to protect your data, in accordance with the Cumbria Wildlife Trust Privacy Policy. If you are a member or supporter and want to change your contact preferences, please get in touch.

By submitting this form you confirm that you are happy for Cumbria Wildlife Trust to keep details of your sighting on our secure database. We will never sell your personal details to anyone. We will pass your postcode to our partner BugLife who will publish is on their national B-Lines map but we will not pass on your personal details.

Thank you for helping pollinators by getting your garden buzzing. Pass on this great work by downloading the pledge to help pollinators.

bee friendly wild flowers - daisies, purple thistles and cat mint