Join | FREE bee revival kit worth £17.99!

A bamboo keyring engraved with the Cumbria Wildlife Trust logo in floral packaging

Helen Tulloch

Save tired bees with a mini bee revival kit, worth £17.99

Join 15000 members already making a difference
Get Cumbria Wildlife magazine 3 times a year
Help to protect your local wildlife & wild places
Visit our 42 nature reserves across the county

Choose a membership:

Barn owl in a tree copyright Russell Savory
From £3.50 a month

Individual membership plus a FREE bamboo bee revival kit from Beevive,​​​​​​​ worth £17.99!

For one person
Hares by Simon Roberts
From £4.50 a month

Joint membership plus a FREE bamboo bee revival kit from Beevive,​​​​​​​ worth £17.99!

For two people
Image of Swallow feeding chicks on wire -copyright Jo Knight
From £5.00 a month

Family membership plus a FREE bamboo bee revival kit from Beevive, worth £17.99!

Family membership with extras for kids

A boost for bees on your keys!

We've all seen beleaguered bees on the ground during hot weather, or in places where there aren't many food sources. Join Cumbria Wildlife Trust today and we'll send you a FREE Beevive keyring so that you can give bees a fighting chance, wherever you are. 

The keyring is made of 100% sustainably sourced bamboo and contains a refillable vial of energising sugar water, plus a handful of wildflower seedballs so that you can create bee-friendly habitat. The sugar water is an emergency solution to help an exhausted bee survive. 

Your Beevive keyring comes engraved with the Cumbria Wildlife Trust logo to remind you that your support is helping wildlife in Cumbria every day. 

Become a member & get the keyring

A top down view of magazines and guides on a wood background, with wildlife and people images on the front

Your membership benefits

Cumbria Wildlife Trust membership grants you access to Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves across the UK – places where you'll hopefully see lots of energetic bees going about their important pollinating business!

You'll receive our Cumbrian Wildlife magazine, which we send out three times a year, and the accompanying What's On guide, full of events and activities for you to get involved with. Click here to view a sample copy of the magazine

We'll also send you email updates about wildlife around the county & news from behind the scenes at the Trust. This includes a bi-monthly long-read article, Cumbrian Wildlife Extra, that gives you greater insight into an area of our work. 

Become a member
Image of family birdwatching at South Walney Nature Reserve

Family birdwatching at South Walney Nature Reserve

Family membership

Bring mini bee-lovers into the hive with a family membership! As well as the benefits above, this includes a ‘Wildlife Watch’ membership for up to 4 children at the same address. You'll get The Wildlife Watcher's Handbook, our Wildlife Watch magazine four times a year, posters and stickers. 

Our family membership is great for getting kids interested in nature. Your child can come along to our family events and get involved in fun, practical activities, like pond-dipping, rock-pooling and mini-beast hunts, or join their local Wildlife Watch group. 

Join as a family and get the keyring

What your membership means

Without our members, we simply couldn’t cover our wildlife conservation costs. Their regular support helps to buy and care for our nature reserves, tackle some of the biggest threats to Cumbria’s wildlife and advocate for nature on a national scale. 

15,000 members are helping to protect Cumbria’s wildlife & wild places. YOU can make a difference too, by joining today from just £3.50 per month. 

Support nature now

infographic illustrating £9 a month looks after an acre of nature on our nature reserves

Our important and constant work in managing nature reserves wouldn't be possible without the generous support of our members, both through volunteering and financial contributions.

You can join from just £3.50 a month, though many of our members choose to give more. Make a difference for Cumbria's wildlife.  

infographic illustrating majortiy of people in cumbria live within 10 miles of a reserve

Support your local green spaces and help them to thrive. We have 41 nature reserves for you to visit across Cumbria, including windswept dunescapes, ancient woodlands, wild peatbogs and flower-rich meadows.

Join today to help us keep these places special, for wildlife and people.

Membership enquiries

If you'd like to talk to us about becoming a member, please email or call 01539 816328 
Line open 9am-5pm, Monday to Thursday.