Celebrating a decade of seal pups in Cumbria

Celebrating a decade of seal pups in Cumbria

Grey seal pups born for 10th year running at South Walney Nature Reserve
Image of seal pup with seaweed and adult grey seal behind

Grey seal pup at South Walney Nature Reserve 2024 © Cumbria Wildlife Trust

We're celebrating a decade of grey seal pups at our coastal nature reserve at South Walney near Barrow. The first two pups of the season were spotted in early October. This is the 10th year running that pups have been recorded for Cumbria’s only breeding grey seal colony. 

It’s really important that we keep away from the seals to give the pups the best chance of survival.
Beth Churn
Marine Conservation Officer, Cumbria Wildlife Trust

Beth Churn, Marine Conservation Officer for Cumbria Wildlife Trust said: “This is wonderful news and a real landmark for us. The growth of the grey seal colony at South Walney is a great conservation success story. The colony has grown from single figures in the 1980s and 90s to the highest number recorded so far - 518 - in 2021!”

Grey seals started breeding at South Walney in 2015 and pups have been recorded every year since. This success story isn’t accidental but is the result of concerted and ongoing efforts to minimise disturbance of the seal colony. We work hard to make the site safe and secure for the seals, so that they feel able to return here to breed. This includes keeping disturbance to a minimum.

People, dogs and boat users have all taken their toll in recent years and we're using this celebratory announcement to remind the public how to watch wildlife safely, from an appropriate distance.

Beth said: “At this time of the year the colony is at its most vulnerable to disturbance. It’s really important that we keep away from the seals to give the pups the best chance of survival. The government code of conduct advises that all water vessels, including kayaks, stay a minimum of 100m away from seal haul out sites and there is no public access to the spit where they are.

“We welcome the news that one ferry operator has once again suspended seal tours during the pupping season (October to early November) and another ferry company has moved elsewhere. We thank them for their responsible decisions. This will certainly help the seal colony at this critical time of the year.”

The best way to see the South Walney seals is to follow us on social media and watch our live sealcam. Alternatively, visitors to South Walney can watch the seals in the sea at high tide from a safe distance in Groyne Hide (you’ll need binoculars or a viewing scope to see them). There's no access to the beach where the seals haul out.

We appeal to all sea users, including kayakers, anglers, jet skiers and boats, to maintain at least 100m distance from the seal colony at all times. Good views of the seals can easily be had using binoculars from a safe distance, and there's no need to get too close. Generally, you’ll know if you’re too close because the seals will start to look at you and move nervously. If this happens, you should immediately start backing away quietly to avoid further disturbance. More guidance is available here Marine & Coastal Wildlife Code.

Beth explained that the photos and video we've issued were taken by trained seal surveyors, using scopes and long lenses. It’s clear that the seals are not disturbed by this as they’re not looking alert or focused on the lens.

South Walney Nature Reserve near Barrow is open daily from 10am to 5pm (4pm in winter). Visitors are welcome. The visitor cabin is open with information and activity packs for children and a monitor streaming the live sealcam. With stunning views across Morecambe Bay, this shingle island reserve is full of interest and is also a fantastic place for bird watching. Please note dogs are not allowed on the nature reserve, apart from assistance dogs.