Directions to our Gosling Sike office
Our Carlisle office is at Gosling Sike Farm, Houghton. Visitors welcome to enjoy a stroll around our wildlife garden!
Address: Cumbria Wildlife Trust
Gosling Sike
From Carlisle:
Take the A7 north. Turn right on to the B6264, Brampton Road. Follow the road for just over 1km/0.5 miles and turn left on to Houghton Road (by a pub), sign-posted to Houghton. Gosling Sike is the first entrance on the left-hand side, just under1km/0.5 miles from the turn off, before you enter the village.
From the the M6:
From J44 take the A689 to Houghton, after 1km/0.5 miles turn right on to Houghton Road. Drive through the village, past the post office on your left-hand side, past the Croft Farm on your right; Gosling Sike is the next entrance on the right, just a little past Tribune Drive on the left.