We often say that nature reserves are excellent places for wildlife but how do we prove it? People talk about what they’ve seen, whether it’s a moss, mammal, or moth, but if it isn’t recorded properly then it could easily be lost, and if no one has recorded it, we might not even notice!
That’s where events like the Wildlife Bioblitz come in. We wanted to encourage visitors of all ages and levels of expertise to come and record the wildlife around Eycott Hill Nature Reserve, and they did us proud!
A total of 275 records were collected, for 125 different species, and 27 of them had never been recorded before. The total species list now stands at 760! The full list of new species is below, and it might surprise you. How many of us have walked passed the mighty ash tree, watched a busy bumblebee, or admired the ox-eye daisies in the meadow? I know I have, but they had never been recorded!
As well encouraging people to try recording we had moth traps (which had amazingly survived the torrential rain on Friday night!), interesting guided walks, children’s crafts and activities, and we set up night cameras to see who was out and about overnight!
We’ll be continuing to work with Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre to encourage recording and have two introductory events planned for 3rd and 6th September where you can learn what to record and how, why the data is important, and enjoy time at Eycott Hill Nature Reserve learning how to identify and record wildlife in the field.
To register your interest for these events please email mail@cumbriawildlifetrust.org.uk as places will be limited.
New species found at the 2016 #EycottHill Wildlife Bioblitz:
1. Agriphila straminella - Straw Grass-veneer Moth
2. Bombus lucorum - White tailed Bumblebee
3. Brachytheceum rutabulum - Rough stalked Feather-moss
4. Candidula intersecta - Snail
5. Carabus Violet Ground - Beetle
6. Dactylorhiza fuchsii - Common spotted orchid
7. Epilobium tetragonum - Square stalked willowherb
8. Faxinus excelcior - Ash
9. Forficula auricularia - Common Earwig
10. Gandaritis pyraliata - Barred Straw Moth
11. Leucanthemum vulgare - Ox eye daisy
12. Macrothylacia rubi - Fox Moth
13. Medicago lupulina - Black meddick
14. Mesembrina meridiana - Mesembrina meridiana
15. Myathropa flovae - Myathropa florea
16. Myosotis stonlonifera - Pale forget-me-not
17. Oligia fasciuncula - Middle barred minor
18. Omocestus viridulus - Green Grasshopper
19. Othotrichum diaphanum - White-tipped bristle moss
20. Philaenus spumarius - Common froghopper
21. Rhagonycha fulva - Soldier Beetle
22. Rhinanthus minor - Yellow Rattle
23. Rhingia campestris - Hoverfly
24. Sericomyia silentis - Hoverfly
25. Tipula maxima - Crane Fly
26. Volucella bombylans - Hoverfly (Bumblebee mimic)
27. Xestia baja - Dotted Clay