
Smardale Gill

We want all visitors to enjoy our nature reserves, such as Smardale (above) but urge dog owners to keep their dogs under close control © John Morrison


The stunning scenery provides a backdrop to this lovely reserve. The steep wooded slopes of Smardale gill contrasts with the views of open rolling countryside from the viaduct. A great place for flowers, butterflies and birds.


Near Kirkby Stephen
Kirkby Stephen
CA17 4HG

OS Map Reference

OS Map: 1:50,000. sheet no. 97

Smardale car park entrance:
Grid reference: NY 742 083
what3words ///crispier.quench.snack

Newbiggin-on-Lune parking area:
Grid reference: NY 703 053
what3words ///snowy.textiles.umbrella

Getting to Smardale
By car:
To Smardale car park: from the A685 between Ravenstonedale and Kirkby Stephen, take the Smardale turning (unsigned) 200m west of the A683 junction. Cross over the railway after 1.6km/1 mile and turn left at the T-junction. Continue for 1km/0.6 miles then bear right over the disused railway and turn immediately right. The car park is 200m on your right.

To Newbiggin-on-Lune parking area: From the A685 at Newbiggin-on-Lune take the Kelleth/Great Asby turning then take the immediate left for Kelleth and park on the roadside. Walk back the way you came and join the road signposted Great Asby and turn left. Then walk uphill and turn right into the drive for Brownber House, past the Lodge. The nature reserve entrance is just along this drive on the right. The distance from the parking area to the entrance is 250m (Grid reference: NY 704 054).

For a visit to Waitby Greenriggs, there is limited roadside parking at grid reference: NY 756 085. what3words ///sheepish.narrow.tensions

By bicycle:
The Smardale entrance is 2km/1.2 miles, the Newbiggin entrance is 4.8km/3 miles and the Waitby Greenriggs entrance is 1.1km/0.7 miles from National Route 70 Walney to Wear (W2W).

By public transport:
There is a limited bus service from Kendal, Sedbergh and Brough to Kirkby Stephen.

The nearest railway station is at Kirkby Stephen West on the Settle to Carlisle line.

View on What3Words

A static map of Smardale

Know before you go

49 hectares

Entry fee

All donations are gratefully received.

Parking information

Smardale: Car park. Newbiggin-on-Lune & Waitby: roadside parking

Bicycle parking

Bike rack at the car park

Grazing animals

Cattle grazing at times

Walking trails

Several routes of varying accessibility can be taken: to Newbiggin-on-Lune (11.4km/7 miles return), to Smardale Gill viaduct (4.8km/3 miles return) and to Waitby Greenriggs (4.8km/3 miles return).



Smardale Gill and Newbiggin-on-Lune: Wheelchair/pushchair accessible surface from the car park to Newbiggin-on-Lune, with ramps at both ends. There are benches at intervals from the car park as far as the limestone quarry.

Waitby Link: we're looking to improve the link between Smardale and Waitby Greenriggs.


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open all year round

Best time to visit

April to August

About the reserve


Smardale Nature Reserve comprises three separate nature reserves that collectively occupy a 8km/5mile section of the disused railway line that once ran from Tebay to Darlington. 

Stunning scenery provides a backdrop to this wonderfully varied nature reserve that stretches from Newbiggin-on-Lune almost as far as Kirkby Stephen.

The species-rich grassland attracts a variety of pollinating insects and the industrial archaeology of the railway line adds constant interest.

The steep wooded slopes of Smardale Gill and the enclosed cuttings along the Waitby Link and Waitby Greenriggs contrast with the views of open rolling countryside experienced along the route.

Wildlife highlights

  • Smardale Gill is one of the only two sites in England that’s home to the Scotch argus butterfly. The tiny northern brown argus can also be seen here
  • Discover a range of unusual plants: bloody crane’s-bill, rock-rose, horseshoe vetch, frog, fragrant and greater butterfly orchid can all be seen in the grassland
  • Redstart and pied flycatcher can be seen in summer, whilst green woodpecker, treecreeper, raven and sparrowhawk are resident year round
  • In spring - bluebells, primrose and early purple orchid.
  • In summer - orchids, bird's eye primrose, melancholy thistle, bloody cranesbill and butterflies. In summer, bird species include redstart, wood warbler and pied flycatcher whilst buzzard, treecreeper and sparrowhawk may be seen all year round.
  • In autumn - find fellwort, devil's bit scabious, scotch argus butterflies. Later in autumn and through the winter flocks of birds such as goldfinch, field fare and redwing feeding on the berries.
  • At any time look out for red squirrels and roe deer or explore the archaeology and geology.

What makes Smardale Gill so special?


Woodland has probably been present in Smardale Gill since the medieval period and as a result a great diversity of plant species can be found here.

In spring you will find bluebells, primroses, wild garlic and many fern species on the woodland floor. Many of the trees are multi stemmed, evidence that coppicing has occurred in the past.

Limestone grassland

The grassland, which has colonised the railway cuttings and embankments, is also very rich in species due to the underlying limestone rock. Unusual plants to look for here include bloody cranesbill, fragrant and butterfly orchid.

Smardale Gill is one of only two sites in England where the Scotch argus butterfly can be seen. Other butterflies include dark green fritillary, common blue, northern brown argus and dingy skipper.

Keeping it special

Non-native tree species, planted in the woodland in the past, are gradually being removed. The grassland areas are managed by late summer/autumn grazing and manual scrub control.

Waitby Link

Heading in the opposite direction from the car park will take you through what's known as the Waitby Link. As well as providing a continuous woodland corridor for wildlife, the Waitby Link is also a fascinating geological time tunnel.

When the railway was built, an impressive cutting was carved through the carboniferous limestone to provide a level track bed, which now provides a rare opportunity to see an assembly of rock types that depict a range of geological processes.

Waitby Link wildlife highlights

  • Spot red squirrels feasting on hazelnuts or racing between the trees
  • Fragments of species-rich grassland contain fly, common spotted and fragrant orchid; pepper saxifrage occurs near the entrance
  • Look out for flocks of fieldfare in the autumn and winter  

Waitby Greenriggs

Beyond the Waitby Link lies Waitby Greenriggs. It occupies a short section of the old Stainmore Railway and the Eden Valley branch line where these two lines converge. Waitby Greenriggs is an absolute treasure, where the cuttings and embankments have developed incredibly diverse grassland flora.

Waitby Greenriggs wildlife highlights

  • The display starts in May as bird's-eye primrose comes into bloom.
  • Mid to late June is when the show is at its best, as this is when the majority of orchids come into flower. Globeflower, salad burnet, meadow crane's-bill and oxeye daisy can also be seen at this time.
  • Twenty species of butterfly can be seen amongst the flowers during the summer.
  • In July, look out for the beautiful marsh helleborine, yellow rattle and harebell.
  • In August, devil's-bit scabious and the diminutive autumn gentian appear.

Recent history

The Trust first purchased land at Smardale Gill in 1978 and there have been a number of subsequent acquisitions. Waitby Greenriggs was purchased from British Rail in 1987; the Smardale railway line was purchased from British Rail in 1991; and the Waitby Link was purchased in 2017. Smardale Gill Viaduct is owned by the Northern Viaduct Trust.

Contact us

Andrew Walter
Contact number: 01539 816300
Came upon this by chance. Car park & facilities excellent. Lovely walk to viaduct and back, particularly enjoyed watching the many species of birds on the feeders. Thanks to the warden for the warm welcome and information.
Visitor to Smardale Nature Reserve

Take a virtual tour of Smardale Nature Reserve

Did you know?

Over 200 varieties of flowers have been recorded in Waitby Greenriggs alone!

This film was made by Westmorland Dales Landscape Partnership scheme. Thanks to the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Join Debbie North on a walk along our Smardale Nature Reserve.

image of red squirrel eating - copyright andy naylor

Red squirrel © Andy Naylor

Donate to help Smardale Nature Reserve

Your donation will help improve Smardale Nature Reserve to make it both a haven for wildlife and also give the access needed for people.
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Upcoming events at Smardale Nature Reserve

If there are any upcoming events at Smardale Nature Reserve we'll show them to you below.

Further information about Smardale Nature Reserve

Thank you to our funders.

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Financial support by Eden District Council.

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority’s Sustainable Development Fund is open to individuals, businesses, community groups or voluntary sector bodies. It provides an accessible source of money for a range of projects that result in positive benefits for the National Park’s environment, economy and communities, while enhancing and conserving local culture, wildlife and landscape.

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