Dubbs Moss

Green grassland with trees - Dubbs Moss Nature Reserve - copyright John Morrison

© John Morrison

Dubbs Moss

Diverse range of habitats supports a good number of species of plants, mosses, ferns as well as butterflies, beetles, spiders and moths. This makes an excellent reserve for birds throughout the year.


Near Cockermouth
CA13 0QU

OS Map Reference

OS 1:50,000. Sheet no. 89

Wellington Farm:
Grid Reference: NY 107 294
what3words ///shudders.targeted.flask

Grid Reference: NY 103 290
what3words ///laws.jaunts.digested
A static map of Dubbs Moss

Know before you go

7 hectares

Entry fee

All donations are gratefully received.

Parking information

Parking available at the Old Stack Yard Tea Rooms

Bicycle parking


Grazing animals

Welsh mountain ponies graze in winter

Walking trails

The nature reserve trail forms a 0.8km/0.5 mile circuit following white-topped fence posts


Access is from The Old Stack Yard Tea Rooms, Wellington Farm, whose nature trail (0.7km) links to the nature reserve at its northeast corner.

Kissing gates allow easy access but the terrain is undulating and very wet in places.

Wellies are recommended year round.


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open all year round

Best time to visit

April to August

About the reserve

Wildlife highlights

Many common species of tit can be seen in the woods and the rarer willow tit also breeds here. 

  • In spring - listen out for warblers in spring as they return from Africa to breed: whitethroat, blackcap, chiffchaff. Willow, garden, grasshopper and sedge warblers can all be seen. Cowslips, early purple orchids and cuckoo flower are in abundance.
  • In summer - Ringlet and small pearl-bordered fritillary butterflies can be seen on sunny days on the wet grassland. You can find orange tips, peacock and even dark green fritillary butterflies.   Various damselflies and dragonflies species are commonly seen including common blue and large red damselflies as well as southern and common hawkers.
  • In autumn - devil's-bit scabious is flowering, common darter dragonflies soak up late sun.  Look out for redpoll and redwing arriving.
  • In winter - flocks of fieldfare and redwing feed on the hawthorn berries and roe deer and brown hare seek refuge in the vegetation.

An interesting landscape of diverse habitats

Dubbs Moss is a naturally damp hollow surrounded by farmland. A peat layer beneath the central area suggests it once had a small tarn, which over the past 10,000 years has become in-filled with plant matter.

Today, birch woodland, an area of damp fen grassland plus an area of dry herb-rich grassland with lichen-encrusted hawthorn scrub provides a wide-ranging landscape that attracts many different plants and animals.   

The western part of the nature reserve is covered by relatively recent birch woodland.  There is an area of damp fen grassland and a higher area of dry herb-rich grassland with hawthorn scrub.  This diversity of habitats gives rise to a rich species mix. 


Varied habitats on the reserve ensures that there is a succession of plant species throughout the spring and summer. 

In spring the herb-rich grassland is covered with cowslip and early purple orchid which give way to commmon twayblade, betony and knapweed later in the year.

If you search hard you might find the uncommon adder's tongue fern in the grassland.

In the wetter fenland area you can find yellow flag iris, ragged robin, angelica and devil's-bit scabious.

The shade cast by the trees, in the woodland area combined with the wet ground, give ideal conditions for mosses and ferns to flourish.

Male fern, hard fern and narrow buckler fern and a variety of mosses thrive here.

What makes Dubbs Moss so special?

Shaded by the trees, the wet ground provides ideal conditions for mosses and ferns to flourish; male-fern, hard-fern and narrow buckler-fern all thrive.

By contrast, the vibrant colour of yellow iris, valerian, common spotted orchid and devil’s-bit scabious pepper the fen grassland.

Where this rises to dry grassland, early-purple orchid, cowslip, common knapweed and great burnet continue the show.

Keeping it special

In winter we graze the land with Welsh mountain ponies to preserve the range of plants that are a magnet for pollinating insects and we carry out management to maintain the scattered scrub on the eastern side of the nature reserve.

Recent history

Dubbs Moss was purchased by Cumbria Wildlife Trust in 1972.

Getting here

By car:

From the Lamplugh roundabout  (known locally as the Oakhurst roundabout) joining the A5086 and the A66, take the turning to Mitchell’s Auction Mart. After 50m take a left and follow this road for 700m to The Old Stack Yard Tea Rooms, Wellington Farm. The nature reserve is a 300m walk along a farm lonning (short path) and a further 400m walk through a farm field to the entrance.

By bicycle:

The reserve is 2.5km/1.5 miles from National Route 71 Sea to Sea (Coast2Coast).

By Public transport:

Buses run from Cockermouth and Whitehaven to Eaglesfield.  

Contact us

Jack Dryden
Contact number: 01228 829570

Did you know?

At 7.4 hectares, the nature reserve might be small but over 180 plant speciies have been recorded here.

Upcoming events at Dubbs Moss Nature Reserve

If there are any upcoming events at Dubbs Moss Nature Reserve we'll show them to you below.

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