Nature Reserves close to Penrith – An Update by Kevin Scott, Northern Reserves Warden

A view of Eycott Hill Nature Reserve, looking towards Blencathra, with a wildflower meadow in the foreground.

Julia Garner

Nature Reserves close to Penrith – An Update by Kevin Scott, Northern Reserves Warden

Friends Meeting House, Friends Meeting House
Meeting House Lane
CA11 7TR
CA11 7TR
Kevin Scott Cumbria Wildlife Trust’s Northern Reserves Warden will give an update on the Reserves close to Penrith.

Event details


7:00pm - 8:30pm
Local group
A static map of Nature Reserves close to Penrith – An Update by Kevin Scott, Northern Reserves Warden

About the event

Kevin Scott Cumbria Wildlife Trust’s Northern Reserves Warden will give an update on the Reserves close to Penrith. Including Cold Springs, Eycott Hill and Thacka Beck. There will be time for questions at the end of the talk.


Penrith Local Support Group

Cost: recommended donation £2.50


Suggested donation


Contact us

Simon Whalley
Contact email: