'Great places to see autumn wildlife' free guide
'Great places to see winter wildlife' free guide
Swifts, swallows and martins
How to identify swifts, swallows, sand martins and house martins
Sand martin
The tiny, brown-and-white sand martin is a common summer visitor to the UK, nesting in colonies on rivers, lakes and flooded gravel pits. It returns to Africa in winter.
Great Places to See Sand Dunes in Cumbria
Where are the osprey now?
As excitement mounts ahead of their return, there are a couple of questions that we often get asked about our lovely osprey – where are they now and how do we know they’ll be back?
Our Spring Wildlife Festival is a celebration of gardening and wildflowers
Free events at Gosling Sike will show you how to make the most of wildlife in your garden
Where do spiders go in winter?
Ever wondered where all the spiders go during the colder months? You might think they're all inside your house – but the truth is, they have other strategies up their eight sleeves.
Spring 2017 could see the return of osprey fledglings from previous years
Young ospreys will often not return from their first migration until they are around 2 years old. May this year be the first time we see a Foulshaw Moss fledgling return?
Wildlife Gardening
An introduction to wildlife gardening at the lovely Plumgarths Gardens!