Foulney Island Seabird Protection Volunteer

Foulney Island Seabird Protection Volunteer


Little tern feeding chicks at Foulney Island Nature Reserve © J Sheldon

Want to play a vital role in protecting beach-nesting birds? With your help we can protect the Foulney Island tern colony long into the future!

Position details




Any Day



We require a seabird protection volunteer to help the resident warden monitor and protect nesting birds, at our Foulney Island nature reserve. Arctic and little tern breeding colonies at Foulney Island, are vulnerable to disturbance and habitat loss. During breeding season 1 April – 15 August, you will ensure access by members of public is restricted to designated paths and Slitch Ridge remains closed. Nest disturbance by dogs is the main issue for the ground nesting birds on Foulney.

Training and site infrastructure tasks will begin from 1st April and volunteers may be asked to continue into August. Duties include:

• Regular patrols of the tern breeding area to ensure no dogs allowed on Foulney and minimize damage caused to habitats.

• Speaking to members of the public about the tern species and why we are working to protect them.

Frequency: One day per week from 9am-3pm, although dependent on tide. Last season volunteers attended one day per week, with tide times in mind.

Want to learn more about this role? Download the Volunteer role description below.


Contact details

If this is the role for you we'd love to hear from you.

Please contact Volunteering Coordinator at