Wildlife Walk Assessor

Wildlife Walk Assessor

Hale Moss View

Do you enjoy looking for wildlife while out walking? Do you have an attention to detail? Then why not visit our wildlife walk sites to assess whether all the guide information written about them is still valid.

Position details


Any Day

Cumbria Wildlife Trust have created a number of ‘great places to see’ and ‘wildlife walks’. The locations cover a range of beautiful landscapes and habitats across Cumbria, many off the beaten track, from fell top to seashore.

Visitor information guides to these walks, are available on our website and publications. These guides are great for visitors who want to get back to nature  and want to check out certain aspects, before visiting.

Your role includes visiting these sites, checking that all the guide information is both up to date and correct. This will involve looking at flora and fauna species, visitor access, parking locations and a whole host more which will vary between each site.

Frequency: you will need a full day to visit one site.

This role will involve lone working in remote places, sometimes with poor mobile signal.

You will be provided with an emergency plan and a buddy for each session to ensure you carry out the assessment, safely.

There will be a requirement to walk on rough and uneven terrain, be able to identify UK flora and fauna species.

You will also need to get to these sites, which are often in remote places away from public transport networks.

We will provide ID sheets, maps of the reserves as well as copies of the current publications and features to look out for.

Wildlife Walk Assessor Role Description

Contact details

If you love nature and interested in helping, please get in touch!

Contact: Matthew Poulton, MatthewP@cumbriawildlifetrust.org.uk