Common cockchafer
Scientific name: Melolontha melolontha
This large, brown beetle can be seen swarming around streetlights in spring. They live underground as larvae for years and emerge as adults often in large numbers. Listen for their characteristic buzzing sound.
Species information
Length: 3.5cmConservation status
When to see
May to JulyAbout
The common cockchafer is also known as a May bug as they often emerge as adults during the month of May. They are large, brown beetles who spend the first few years of their lives as larvae underground. They mostly come out after the sun has set and can be seen flying around streetlights and lighted windows. If you have a moth trap, you may also find a few of these stumble in, attracted to the bright light.How to identify
The common cockchafer is the UK's largest scarab beetle (scarabs include dung beetles and chafers). With its rusty-brown wing cases, pointed 'tail' and fan-like antennae it is unmistakeable. It is a clumsy flier and makes a buzzing sound.In our area
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