Orange ladybird

Orange Ladybird

Orange Ladybird ©Nancy Coppock

Orange ladybird

The orange ladybird is pale orange with up to 16 cream spots on its wing cases. It feeds on mildew on trees like sycamore and ash, and hibernates in the leaf litter. It often turns up in moth traps.

Scientific name

Halyzia sedecimguttata

When to see

April to October

Species information


Length: 6mm


The orange ladybird is a large ladybird that feeds on mildew (fungus) on trees; it particularly likes sycamores, but has recently spread on to ash and is increasing in number. It hibernates in leaf litter, or in sheltered locations. The lifecycle of a ladybird consists of four phases: the egg; the larval stage, during which the larva undergoes a series of moults; the pupa, in which the larva develops into an adult; and the adult phase, during which the female lays eggs in batches of up to 40.

How to identify

The orange ladybird is pale orange with 14 to 16 white spots. The cream-spot ladybird is similar, but is a darker browny-orange colour and is a little bit smaller. Cream-spot ladybirds are more often found on bushes and at woodland edges.


Widespread in England and Wales, but rarer in Scotland.

Did you know?

The orange ladybird is attracted to bright lights at night and often turns up in moth traps.