Government plan to phase out badger cull must mean end to cull licences now
Public urged to respond to badger cull consultation
Public urged to respond to badger cull consultation
The Wildlife Trusts are deeply concerned that healthy, vaccinated badgers will be shot in several new areas this autumn as the Government continues its annual culling of badgers.
Call for cattle vaccine to be top priority to tackle Bovine Tuberculosis, not badger culling
CEO responds to recent figures published by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Whilst welcoming the review’s recommendations for a changed emphasis in the government’s strategy for eradicating bovine tuberculosis (bTB), The Wildlife Trusts are extremely concerned that it…
Following a Government announcement that it is to allow badger culling in areas of England at low-risk from bovine TB, including Cumbria, Cumbria Wildlife Trust is calling on the Government to…