Plantlife Photography Exhibition now open at Gosling Sike

Plantlife Photography Exhibition now open at Gosling Sike

The beautiful Plantlife - Looking Out for Small Things photography exhibition is now open at Gosling Sike, Houghton Road, Carlisle.

Come along and see some stunning photographs that showcase local talent and capture the beauty of Cumbria's Atlantic woodlands at the Plantlife photography exhibition Beatrix Potter’s Vision: A Celebration of the Lake District.

The exhibition at Gosling Sike, Houghton Road, Carlisle CA3 0LD is free and open during office hours until 10th September. Please call 01228 829570 to check opening arrangements before travelling.

Looking Out for Small Things (LOST) is a project delivered by Plantlife and funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, to raise awareness of Atlantic woodlands across the Lake District, alongside the lichens and mosses that are characteristic of this special habitat.

This photographic exhibition was inspired by Beatrix Potter, and is a collection of images by local photographers exploring the woodlands across the Lake District. Beatrix was best known for her story-telling but she was also a scientist and an educator, who was dedicated to safeguarding the Lake District landscape that she learnt from and loved. These photos capture:

Woodlands in the Landscape: The expanses of open water complemented by the mountainous backdrops tend to be the most renowned aspects of the Lake District. Beatrix Potter was a conservationist and we have her to thank for preserving and safeguarding much of the land.

Small Things in Woodlands: As you delve further into nature, you will realise there is a hidden world waiting to be discovered with a very important story to tell. Beatrix Potter was a scientist, who spent her time studying and painting the fungi, lichens and mosses of the Lake District.

People in Woodlands: Atlantic woodlands have a magical and enchanted aura, capturing the hearts of all those who visit. Beatrix Potter was an educator from her stories to her specimens; for over a 100 years, her work has been shared across the world and her enthusiasm for nature has stood the test of time.

With many thanks...

Beatrix Potter's Vision: A Celebration of the Lake District, is a photographic exhibition curated by Plantlife. All images showcased have been entered through the Looking Out for Small Things photography competition. Many thanks to all those who submitted images and to the judging panel, with mention to:

  • Carol Thompson (Beatrix Potter Society)
  • Deborah Walsh (Armitt Museum)
  • James Hughes (Wildlife Media Student)
  • Liz MacFarlane (National Trust)
  • Orin Thomas (Young Wildlife Photographer

The Plantlife photographic exhibition is very kindly funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, with additional funding from the Cumbria Community Foundation and the Barbara Whatmore Charitable Trust.