Tree Seed Collector POSITIONS FILLED

Tree Seed Collector POSITIONS FILLED

Cumbria, County wide

Lonely birch on Skiddaw by Izzy Sharpe

Want to help restore England's highest nature reserve? With your help, we can restore 620 acres of lost Atlantic rainforest on the Lake District's Skiddaw Forest!

Position details


Any Day

We require a team of volunteers to collect seeds from native upland tree species in the Lake District for our Skiddaw Forest project. 

Volunteers will learn to identify native upland tree species using a list of approved areas for collection and guidelines on how to collect seeds responsibly. 

This is ideal for those who are already out and about in the Lakes and offers the opportunity to make a real environmental impact.  No prior experience is necessary, just a passion for nature and a good level of fitness.

Tree seed collection periods are generally from August-October and May-June.  As a Tree Seed Collector you can decide how often and when you go out to collect seed within these time periods, making this a very flexible volunteer role. 

Is this role for you?  Want to learn more about this role?  We'd love to hear from you.  If you're interested, please sign up below.