Blog: Eycott Hill

Get closer to the field and a little more behind the scenes by reading about the wild experiences, wildlife insights and recollections of staff and volunteers – writers from all over the organisation, from our Reserve Officers to our student placements.

We welcome guest bloggers! If you have something to write home about - whether you've got a trail cam in your garden, or you've been bird watching, or visited one of our nature reserves - if it's to do with Cumbria's wildlife and wild places then we'd love to hear from you!


Sedge ID Course at Eycott Hill

Stunning sedges

After a superb day teaching us how to identify grasses John O’Reilly of Ptyxis Ecology returned to test our brains with his knowledge of sedges.


Wildlife recording: what’s stopping you?

From butterfly surveys to wildflower identification, Cumbria Wildlife Trust is fortunate to have so many volunteers involved in species recording. Debs Muscat from Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre…

Wildflower meadow at Eycott Hill

Meadow surveys

July has come round and that means the meadows at Eycott Hill are looking fantastic and it’s time to see how they’re getting on.

People studying grasses at Eycott Hill Nature Reserve

Gorgeous grasses

On the 6th July a group went on to Eycott Hill Nature Reserve following the very knowledgeable John O’Reilly of Ptyxis Ecology in search of grasses to identify.

Volunteers and placement student Louise Richards surveying meadows

Louise looks back!

What can I say? My placement finishes on Thursday and I still can’t quite get my head round the fact that I won’t be driving down to Eycott Hill to struggle against the wind after this week. The…

Aiket overview - eycott hill nature reserve

History of Eycott Hill Project

As part of my placement with Cumbria Wildlife Trust I’ve been working on a project looking into the history of Eycott Hill Nature Reserve.

Volunteers at Eycott Hill

Work parties at Eycott Hill

Over the past few months I’ve helped to lead a couple of work parties at Eycott Hill Nature Reserve. This has been great experience allowing me to work on my confidence and my ability to lead a…

Guided walk at Eycott Hill

Walk Leader Training

Last month I did a two week Lowland leader training course, and now I’m working towards the assessment in the hope of being able to lead guided walks around Eycott Hill Nature Reserve.

Eycott Hill volunteers repairing a drystone wall

Dry stone wall and fencing training

This month we have had courses in dry stone walling, post and wire fencing and top wire fencing, meaning that our volunteers who came on the courses will now be on call ready to repair the walls…
